The Centre is staffed by volunteers. The co-ordinator, also a volunteer, deals with referrals and place allocation. The Management Committee has overall responsibility for the Centre.
What is there to do?
There is a wide range of activities.
What will happen when I arrive?
A volunteer will sign you in and show you where to wait until the contact begins. If it is your first visit, you will be shown round.
Do I have to wait in the Centre while my child has contact with my former partner?
You can wait in the waiting room or you can go and come back later. Please make sure that we have a telephone number, so that we can contact you if necessary.
Do I have to meet my former partner?
If you don't wish to meet, let us know and we will arrange for you to stay in a different room.
Do I have to pay anything?
There is no charge. The Centre is a registered charity staffed by volunteers.
Can I take my child out?
Only if this is agreed with your former partner, or it is in a court order. If this is agreed, please make sure we have a mobile number and let us know where you are going.
Can I bring my new partner or other relatives?
No, not unless this is agreed with your former partner, or it is in a court order.
Will reports be made about what happens in the Centre?
Information is kept confidential; we only release attendance records. We don't give reports to solicitors, courts or other parties, unless we have concerns about health, safety or welfare.
Will I always get my full contact time?
We reserve the right to reduce or terminate contact, if it is felt to be in the best interest of the child. Because the welfare of the child is paramount, there might be times when contact cannot take place if the child is too upset, even if there is a contact order.
What should I do if I cannot attend?
Keep the co-ordinator informed. Reasons for non-attendance are part of the attendance record. Let your partner know, if you can, or tell us in good time to pass on the information. You can ring the Centre from 10am on Saturday or ring the mobile or e-mail at other times.
What should I do if I stop attending?
Please let us know so that we can give the place to someone on the waiting list.